Thursday, October 24, 2013

Knitted Stuff

While I'm making a list of books, figuring out stash, and generally trying to get organized, I figured I should show off some projects. This is my Midnight Floral Lace Sock in progress from Lace Style. I liked the border pattern so much that I decided it should be the leg and foot pattern as well. It's quite a bit longer now, I'm almost at the heel. The yarn is a Cascade sock yarn, but no clue which one or which color.

These are pictures of my finished Haruni. There's a knit-along right now, and I'd been meaning to knit this. It's done in Malabrigo Rastita and is ridiculously soft. I only did Chart A and then Edging... (you will have an extra stitch next to the border and the center. I just knit them)
Rows 1, 3 & 5 (RS): sl 1, k2, *yo, k3, sk2p, k3, yo, k1,* repeat to last st, k2.
Rows 2, 4 & 6 (WS): sl 1, k2, purl to last 2 sts, k3.
Row 7: sl 1, k2, *yo, k9, yo, k1,* repeat to last st, k2.
Row 8: knit across
BO with lace BO

I really like this modification, I don't think Chart B (as stunning as it is) would have looked as good. This edging blends well and gives it a rustic feel which fits well with the yarn. My mom has already claimed this for herself.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Library Knitting Project

I've been trying to come up with a good knitting goal for a while. I thought about working my way through a book, but I couldn't decide which one. And then I looked at my ravelry library, and it occurred to me....
I mostly knit from just a few books. I have a ton of pattern books, magazines, and booklets, and I've not knit from them. So, here's the goal... I will knit (and block and finish) one pattern from each pattern book, one from each year of the magazines, one from each of the special issues, and one from a booklet. I get 3 "I have no money for the yarn and have nothing in stash" get-out-of-jail-free cards, and the project size doesn't matter, only that I did one. I can also work on finishing other projects I currently have in hibernation or in progress or in my designing brain, but otherwise it's all book knitting, all the time. Ideally this will increase my knitting skill and confidence. Non-ideally I'll end up with a bunch of cool knitted things. Either way, I figure I win. And it is called... the Library Knitting Project (since I'm knitting from "everything" in my ravelry library)

In the next few days I will sit down and make a book list, including marking off the ones I've already knit from and posting pictures of those projects. But to start....

First, a circular shawl from Wrapped in Lace. The Lacy Diamond Circular Shawl, knitted in hemp laceweight. I just started, so there's not much to see. It's going to be a long-term project, worked on when I feel like it, with no pressure attached.
Second, a pair of socks from Lace Style. Here's the link to my Ravelry project. I just started these tonight.

I have a few projects in my head. I want to knit a sweater for November (which will be part of this project), I have a sweater knitted that I need to finish for it to count, and I want to take the second chart of Haruni and make it into a scarf. I have a finished sock that needs a mate, and a partly finished bracer that needs to have a mate (and the pattern written up). I also need to knit another pair of bracers so I have pictures for the pattern (I knit a pair and gave them to a friend with the agreement that she'd take pictures of them for me. A year later, no pictures, so rather than bug her constantly, I might as well knit another pair in a yarn I can wear). I could also use a few hats, but that will also fit in well with the Library Project, so yay there.

And since that's a ton of words with no pictures, here's some random stuff I've knitted (and I do knit stuff other than stoles and socks, I promise, these were just the first pictures I grabbed).....

The Money Stole (designed and knit by me, pattern forthcoming whenever I get around to it)
An Ostrich Stole I Designed (pattern also maybe forthcoming)

A kickass pair of socks